Monday, June 13, 2011

The Panda Bear on CETA

The Panda Bear hopes she can make it through the week without some politician getting involved in some sex scandal.   She is tired of hearing how foolish/criminal/immoral politicians can be with their personal lives and then hear about it on the news for 24/7.
Today, the Panda Bear picked up the monthly AARP magazine and read an article how many employers don't want to hire the long term unemployed.  She thinks more needs to be done to help the long term unemployed than just hoping that employers hire them when and if the economy picks up.   Employers nowadays want employees to be ready to hit the ground running when they are hired and employers don't want to provide extensive training .   Though it had its critics, the Panda Bear knows of many workers who were helped by the old Comprehensive Employment and Training Act.   These workers were able to get regular jobs once their CETA position ended and CETA was helpful in getting people back into the workforce.   The Panda Bear thinks the government and industry need to work very closely together to ensure workers have the right training and experience to get the new jobs.

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